National Model and Hobby Show Report.

Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Starship Modeler: National Model and Hobby Show Report

By John Lester and Terry Miesle

The National Model and Hobby Show, put on by the Interrnational Model-Hobby Manufacturers Association* every year in Chicago, is a chance for the industry to strut its stuff. One whole hall of the mammoth Rosemont Convention Center is filled to busrsting with every conceivable domestic model, rocket, model railroad, radio-control and and toy manufacturer and distributor under the sun (and a few who looked like they'd crawled from under a rock) and a number of overseas firms as well. There's so much to see - and after a full day wandering the aisles one leaves shell-shocked and exhausted. At least I did.

If you're into airplane or car models, 1999 looks to be a banner year. Unfortunately, the news looks less bright for the sci-fi and space modeler. With the exception of AMT/ERTL, most manufacturers seem to be scaling back. Here are the details:


R/M's Mir kit.

Starfury LE

R/M's Starfury limited edition kit.

Revell-Monogram: Not a lot in sci-fi/space kits for 1999. We'll see the Mir (repackaged Armageddon Station, with Progress and Soyuz apparently *still* reversed) as a 1/144 snap-tite kit with paints included. The Babylon 5 station will also be packaged as a "deluxe" kit, with paints included, and later in the year as a "Limited Edition" with cloissone pin (oh, joy) and more decals. The Limited Edition Starfury kit is apparently still on track for a late 1998 release.

No word at all on further B5 releases, I'm sorry to say. What they told me was that R/M was "working on several projects" (not necessarily B5-related) and holding back some news for Toy Fair in NY in February. They apparently are looking at several ships, and acknowledge there's a lot to choose from -- but they want to make sure the high cost of tooling will be financially viable. While they absolutely would not commit to anything in detail, they did say that "there's hope for B5 modelers in the next year".

Also, they did confirm that the Armageddon, Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek: Voyager kits were being discontinued. And while they did not say flat out that the ST:V line was dead, they are "re-evaluating whether to continue with all licenses". They're trying to decide what to do with the STV license.

They feel B5 is a very valuable license, but tough to work with since they have not always been given reliable info for sizes. They want to do stuff in scale, where possible. The reps we spoke to emphasized that R/M would rather produce models where the molds can be re-used on multiple kits (like the Armageddon models) than single-use projects (like any of the B5 ships).

It does look like R/M will continue producing its moonshot products for the time being - the Lunar Lander, CSM, Space Shuttles and Saturn V.




Lighted Deathstar

Space Program Rockets

Man in Space kit.

Space 1999 Eagle

Space:1999 Eagle kit boxart.

AMT/ERTL I spoke at length with Tom Walsh, the Marketing honcho (very nice guy, btw). ERTL has the license for the Star Wars prequels, and they will be releasing 11 models of various subjects in various scales (5 with the movie's release in May, and 6 in September). In the initial release, two subjects will be snap-fast, one glue-together with positionable parts, and one die cast. The later release will include two full glue kits and an assortment of snap-fasts.

Apparently, George Lucas will do mean things to anyone who divulges details about the movies before their release .... so he couldn't say more (if he could have, he would - he was very friendly and spoke at length about their other products). He wouldn't confirm or deny that the Hovertank and Z-fighter are to be kitted, though I have other info that suggests they will.

In other Star Wars news, the Death Star is now set for Dec '98 release, and the Rancor and Cantina Action Scene models for January '99. The Death Star will also be released in September '99 in the "Pro-Shop" line, molded in clear plastic with a lighting set. The display I saw actually looked like it could be a worthwhile model....

On the Star Trek front, the Enterprise-C and latest 3-Enterprise set are now to be released in January '99. They did have a test shot of the 1/1400 -C on display (promoting their Yamaguchi/Excalibur release - set for April '99 - which will be molded in clear plastic and come with a lighting set). I can't tell you whether the detail is 100% accurate, but it's all nice and crisp. The engraved lines are deep, but not wide (not like Hobbycraft, who engrave panel detail with a plow!). Clear parts were very, very clear and distortion free - I was actually impressed.

The Enterprise-E will be re-issued with new box art and a new stand decal to coincide with the premiere of Star Trek:Insurrection. Alas, it appears the rumours are true - there's no indication that any of the older Star Trek line will remain in production. None of the kits released before Enterprise-E are even in their catalog anymore.

"For no other reason than we can" ERTL will reissue the Space:1999 Eagle and Alpha Moonbase kits in January 1999. The Alien figure from the first movie will hit the shelves around June of '99. These are all the old MPC molds, cleaned up.

Finally, in February '99 they're putting out a "Man in Space" kit containing 5 of America's first space program rockets. All models are in 1/200 scale - 1/144 would have been better, but at least you can display these next to the 1/200 Lindberg Shuttle.

AMT's kit will include the Mercury-Redstone, Mercury-Atlas, Gemini-Titan II, Saturn 1B and Saturn V with Lunar Module. The buildup looked like my dog had done it but there didn't appear to be anything horribly wrong with the models themselves.

And for those who like this sort of thing, the "Munster's Koach" car will also be re-released. (January?)


James Bond

Polar Lights Polar is releasing a bunch of figures in styrene. They are: Wolfman (March '99), James Bond and Odd Job from Goldfinger (June), the 3 Stooges (June, July, August), Dr Smith and the Robot (May) and the latest movie Godzilla (April 99). Godzilla's head looked rather nice - and big. The Wolfman is a smaller version of their resin kit. The Robot appears to be the same one out now - let's hope so.

Also coming are the house from Psycho (December '98) and two accessory/ customizing sets with various creatures in February. The Psycho house looked to be the same scale as the Adams Family house. They are also releasing a series of famous movie cars (Hawaii 5-0, Green Hornet). The KISS action figures should be out very soon, with a styrene kit to follow around the first of the year.

Roswell Crash Scene

Roswell Crash Scene

Testors is coming out with a Roswell Crash Scene doiorama in resin, based around a reworked Roswell UFO kit. This will be in their Hobby Shop Only line and retail for about $60.00. There are also several new "Johnny Flintstone" resin figures to be released, including a largish Dragon figure.

Lindberg appears to be paring back their space and sci-fi line-up as well. All that appears to have survived the cuts are the Space Shuttle and Space Shuttle with boosters in 1:200 (so get those Godzillas while you can).

Glencoe did not show anything new, and won't release a 1999 catalog until January.

DML/Shanghai Dragon - Nothing new in their space line-up was displayed or discussed. The only kits we're aware of are the re-issued Ariane 5 (also issued by Revell/Germany) that just came out.

Heller was touting a new 1/125 scale Ariane 5. Seems I've seen it before .... but maybe I'm thinking of the recent Revell or DML releases.

Airfix - There was a large visible V-1 at the Airfix booth. We weren't able to find anything aout about it (or any other space/sci-fi) though.

Flight 2-A

Flight 2-A


International Space Station

Pat. Mirage

Patraqushe Mirage

Intermountain Railway had their International Space Station and ISS Flight 2-A kits on display. The ISS kit will be ready to ship in 4-5 weeks, and you can get it with or without the decals already applied. There's a photo-etched brass "super-detailing" set available as well - a good thing, as the basic kit's booms are solid plastic with raised girder details. Solar cells are pre-printed paper ... and don't look bad, but don't look totally convincing either.

Estes had some cool rockets, for those of you who like that sort of thing. They have a flying 1:35 scale Mercury-Atlas kit already out, and a really funky "alien socket ship" with spring-loaded legs coming soon. They're also re-releasing the flying Saturn V early next year.

Quest had some really neat rockets on display, including their flying UFO and Enterprise-E kits. I am ashamed to say we forgot to ask about any new releases from Toy Biz in their comic book heroes lines.

Volks is getting into the injection molded arena with a new line from Five Star Stories. If you've seen their other lines, you know they're renowned for exquisire resin casts of mecha, scantily clad fantasy heroines, and ghouls. The sprues we saw were just as nice - the detailing is tremendous! Four kits are to be released - Patraqushe Mirage, K.O.G Over the 7777, K.O.G Joker 3100, and a Burster Launcher.

Geometrics had an impressive display of monsters, Aliens and Predator figures. Their studio-approved line are some of the best sculpture we've seen (Ripley is the first weI've seen that actually looks like Sigourney Weaver, for instance). New for the upcoming year are Aliens customizing sets - including 2 eggs (one hatching), Face hugger, and toolkit - and a deluxe base. There are new customizing sets for their Predator figures as well, including a skull with spinal cord, different head, and metal spear. Also new in the 50's monster movie figures are a resin Mummy figure (just out) and Frankenstein. They have also released a line of small, 3" resin figures which look good.

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