Charles Desira's Federation starfighter.

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Federation Starfire Heavy Assault Fighter

By Charles Desira

Pity I didn't think of this when the Doninion war contest was going. It's a single seat heavy fighter. It's warp capable, and carries an overhead torpedo launch system capable of delivering both photon and quantum torpedoes. The fighter is fitted with two heavy impact phaser pulsed cannons. The torpedo system also houses the fighter's sensor systems. The shield generator is housed behind the cockpit.

The Starfires were used exstensively on marauder raids against Dominion bases, including Tetracell white facilities. Later Starfires were creditied with the destruction of many Dominion, Cardassian and Breen capital ships. This fighter (NCC-7245),part of the 14th fighter wing, (flown by wing commander Charles Tyrell-code named-Beowulf), saw action throughout the Bajor system. It was based at Deep Space 9 and survived the war. Its pilot is credited with over two hundred confirmed kills.

The model is based on an X-wing fighter, the warp/impulse drives are built from a truck engine, and the forward/rear cones are from the Narssissus shuttle. The cannons are parts from the X-wing kit. The over head torpedo launch system is off a Runabout kit. The decals are also off the runabout kit. Its painted in an overall medium grey, with gunmetal cavities. The light bluetops are the warp drives, the red front cones, and dark blue cones are the impulse drive.

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