Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Starship Modeler: Links

Do you ever wonder if anyone else on this Earth shares your secret obsession with spacecraft? Wonder no more. There are hundreds, if not thousands of web sites dealing with all different facets of the hobby. This page is dedicated to listing as many as possible.

Know of a sci-fi modeling or related site not listed here? Add it to our list using our Link Nomination Form.

Latest additions: 11 June 2019

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New - is an infotainment site run for fans of Space 1999 and the Eagle Transporter in particular.

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Please direct comments, questions, corrections and picked nits to John at

This page copyright © 1997- 2015, Starship Modeler™. Last modified 17 September 1999.

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